TOMATO RICE PILAF (Turkish, Vegan)
Ingredients ( 4 servings )
1 cup long-grain rice 2 large ripe tomatoes 2-3 tblsp vegetable oil
Salt 1 ¼ cups boiling water
Serving suggestion: Serve with freshly ground black pepper.
1. Chop the tomatoes finely. You can run the tomatoes in a
food processor. Do not discard the liquid. In either case you should get about 2 cups of
tomatoes without the liquid.
2. Heat the oil in
an app. 10 inch (25 cm) shallow pilaf pot.
3. Add the tomatoes and cook over medium-low heat until the
liquid evaporates. Stir occasionally.
4. Meanwhile boil the water.
5. Add 1 ¼ cups of
boiling water and salt to the pot. Cover and bring to a boil on medium heat.
6. Add the rice and cover immediately. Do not stir. Adjust
the heat to low as soon as the liquid comes to a boil.
7. Cook on very low heat for about 15-20 minutes until the liquid evaporates totally . Do not lift the cover or stir during cooking.
8. Turn the heat off, lift the lid and place a layer of paper towels on the pot. Close the lid
9. Leave the pot on the stove, undisturbed, for about 20
minutes to half and hour.
10. Mix well and fluff with a fork before you put the rice on
a serving plate.
11. Serve with freshly ground black pepper.
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