SOYA GRANULES WITH ZUCCHINI (Turkish, Vegan, Vegetarian)


Ingredients  ( 2 servings )

1 lb (450 gr) zucchini      ½ cup soya granules     2 tbsp olive oil

1 medium onion     1 large ripe tomato     1 cup hot water     

Plenty of chopped fresh dill     Salt, pepper

Serving suggestion: Serve with yogurt or vegan yogurt.



1.  Soak the soya granules in boiling water for half an hour. Drain and gently squeeze the liquid out. 

2.  Chop the onion and tomato finely.  You can run the tomato in a food processor. Do not drain.

3.  Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the onions. Sauté on medium heat until the onions are transparent, for about 5 minutes.

4.  Add the soya granules and sauté for about 5 minutes.

5.  Add the chopped tomatoes and mix well. 

6.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

7.  Cook on medium-low heat, uncovered, for about 10 minutes stirring occasionally until all liquid evaporates.

8.  Cut the stem out and wash the zucchini. Leave the skin on if not too thorny.  Quarter the zucchini lengthwise and chop roughly into 1 inch (2.5 cm) pieces.    Add it to the soya granules.

9.   Add a cup of boiling water, cover and cook over medium-low heat until the zucchini is done, but somewhat firm, for about 15 minutes.  Check with a fork. Do not overcook. You may add small amounts of boiling water if the cooking time extends. There should be some sauce left in the pot when you turn off the heat.

10.  Chop the fresh dill coarsely.  Add it to the pan and turn off the stove. Let the pan stand undisturbed until the dill wilts.

11.  Adjust the seasoning and serve hot.


NOTES: The original dish is made with ground beef, veal or lamb. It turned out amazingly well with soya granules.  The recipe for soya granules, a substitute for ground beef/veal/lamb which is often used in Turkish cooking, keeps well in the fridge for two days and can be used to make a variety of dishes. You can use this recipe link to prepare it in advance and add it to zucchini, eggplants, potatoes, spinach and other vegetables.  

You can also skip the soya granules steps and make this dish just a “zucchini in tomato sauce and olive oil.” In that case, serve at room temperature.




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