MASHED POTATOES (Turkish, Vegan, Vegetarian)
Ingredients ( 4 servings )
2 lb 4 oz potatoes
½ sticks butter or margarine or 3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 cups of milk or almond milk Salt
Utensils: Potato press
1. Wash the potatoes.
2. Boil with skin until the potatoes are tender but firm to
the touch. Drain.
3. Peel while still hot.
4. Mash with a potato press into a pot.
5. Adjust the heat to medium-low.
6. Add salt and butter/margarine or vegetable oil. Mix well.
7. Cook for a minute mixing continuously.
8. Add milk or almond milk. Keep mixing until the potatoes
absorb the milk.
9. Adjust the heat to low. Cook for about 10 minutes
stirring occasionally.
10. You can extend the cooking time or add more milk depending
on the consistency you desire.
NOTES: I do not
recommend pureeing your potatoes in a blender or food processor. Potatoes contain a lot of starch and mashing
them gently by hand or with a ricer leaves the starch molecules intact. This is what
makes the potatoes creamy. The blades of a food processor will break the starch
molecules and release the starch which turns the potatoes into a paste. I use an old-fashioned press which works very
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