PEAS IN OLIVE OIL (Turkish, Vegan)
Ingredients ( 4 servings )
4 cups of fresh or frozen peas 1 medium onion
1 large ripe tomato 2 tbsp olive oil 1 ½ cups hot water
1 cup finely chopped dill Salt
1. Wash and drain the peas. Skip this step if you are using
frozen peas.
2. Chop the onion and tomato finely. You can run the tomato
in a food processor. Do not drain.
3. Heat the oil in a pot. Sauté the onions for about 5
minutes over medium heat until they are transparent.
4. Add the tomato and cook until the liquid evaporates. Mix
5. Add the peas, hot water and salt. Cover the pot and bring
to a boil.
6. Adjust the heat to medium-low. Cook for about 20 minutes.
Cooking time varies so check the liquid levels and add more hot water if
necessary. There should be some liquid
left in the pot (not too much) when done.
7. Turn off the heat. Add the chopped dill and mix. Cover
8. Let the pot stand undisturbed until the dill wilts.
9. Serve hot or at room temperature.
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